Data tab

Sets the formatting options for data in tables and parts lists. You also can use shortcut commands to edit the data cells on this tab. To learn how you can use these options to format your table or parts list, see the Help topic, Using the Data tab.

Insert Column

Displays the Insert Column dialog box, which you use to insert columns in the table.

You also can right-click a column and select Insert Columns to display the Insert Columns dialog box.

Delete Column

Deletes the selected column from the table.

You also can right-click a column and select Delete Columns to delete the column.

Format Column

Displays the Format Column dialog box, which you use to change the format for the column.

You also can right-click a column and select Format Column to display the Format Columns dialog box.


Specifies the font type to apply to the currently selected data cell, or to all the cells in the column if the column header is selected. All installed fonts are available, such as Solid Edge ISO, Arial, Calibri, Microsoft Sans Serif, Times New Roman, and Tahoma.


The default font, font style, font size, color, and other properties are defined in the table text style associated with the current table style. To learn about table styles and how to change the properties associated with them, see the following Help topics:

Font Style

Specifies the font style to apply to the currently selected data cell, or to all the cells in the column if the column header is selected.

You can use the three buttons in the Font Style section individually, or you can combine them to create additional font styles, such as Bold Italic.


Makes text boldface.


Italicizes text.


Underlines text.

Horizontal justification

Adjusts the horizontal alignment of the text within the currently selected data cell, or all of the cells in the column if the column header is selected. The options are Left, Center, and Right.

The default is for text to be centered.

Vertical justification

Adjusts the vertical alignment of the text within the currently selected data cell, or all of the cells in the column if the column header is selected. The options are Top, Center, and Bottom.

The default is for text to be at the top.

Insert Row

Displays the Insert Row dialog box, which you use to insert rows in the table.

You also can right-click a row and select Insert Rows to display the Insert Rows dialog box.

Delete Row

Deletes a row from the table.

You also can right-click a row and select Delete Rows to delete the row.

Move Row Up

Moves the selected row up one row.

Move Row Down

Moves the selected row down one row.


  • Parts lists

    The row manipulation features are not available for system-generated parts lists.

  • Family of parts tables
    • When you create a new family of parts table, data is not displayed on this page until you have selected the table variables on the Variables page of the Family Of Parts Table Properties dialog box and clicked OK.

    • If a row contains values that are underlined, this indicates a family of parts table value in the master document was changed, and the change was not applied to the family members using the Save Table Data button in the Family of Parts Edit Table dialog box.

    • If a row contains values that are underlined, this indicates a value in the Family of Parts Edit Table in the master document was changed, but the change was not applied to the family members using the Populate Members button or the Apply Member button. To update the drawing table, the changes must be applied in the master document.

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