Defining table size and location

Together, the General tab and the Location tab in the Properties dialog box are where you define basic size and placement information for the table or parts list. This includes the maximum table size, where to place the table, how the table grows or shrinks, and how multi-page tables are displayed. You also can move a table to a different sheet.

Specifying maximum table height

Before you place a table, you define the maximum table height on the General tab using either of these methods:

By default, the maximum table height is the same for all pages. However, by entering different values in the First page box and the Additional pages box, you can define a maximum table height that is different for the first page of the table than it is for all succeeding pages of the table.

Table placement and sheet location

There are two workflows you can use to place a parts list or table and specify its location on the sheet.

Specifying table anchor point for sizing

With either table placement workflow, you can use the Anchor corner option on the Location tab to control table location and sizing. The Anchor corner options are illustrated here:

(A) Top-Left

(B) Bottom-Left

(C) Top-Right

(D) Bottom-Right

Moving tables

On the Location tab, you can use the Sheet control to specify the sheet that you want the table to appear on. For example, you can use it to move a parts list onto the same sheet as the drawing it references.

Working with multi-page tables

In tables that have multiple pages:

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