Automatically add balloons to a part view

This procedure explains how you can automatically add balloons to a drawing view, with or without adding a parts list.

  1. Click the Parts List command: .

  2. On the drawing sheet, select a part view.

  3. On the Parts List command bar, do the following:

    1. Select the Auto-Balloon option .

    2. Click Properties.

  4. On the Balloon page (Parts List Properties dialog box), do one or more of the following:

    • Specify the auto-balloon appearance and text size.

    • Generate and format fastener system balloon stacks.

    • Control for duplicate balloons.

  5. (Optional) If you are adding a parts list, you can modify the parts list text size, placement, format, content, sorting, and other information using the other tabbed pages on the List Properties dialog box.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • To add the balloons with the parts list:

      1. Set the Place List option on the command bar .

      2. Move the cursor until the parts list is positioned as you want it, and then click to place it.

    • To add the balloons without the parts list:

      1. Clear the Place List option on the command bar .

      2. Click anywhere in the graphics window.


  • You can reposition the parts list by dragging it to a different location.

  • You can save your parts list and balloon formatting for reuse by assigning a name in the Saved Settings box on the General page of the Parts List Properties dialog box.

    You can quickly reapply the settings using the Saved Settings list on the Parts List command bar.

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