Example: Add symbols to a feature control frame

To specify the content in the feature control frame shown here, use the options on the General page (Feature Control Frame dialog box) to enter the information.

  1. Click in the top Content box.

  2. In the Geometric Symbols row, click Flatness: .

  3. In the Divider row, click Divider: .

  4. In the Other row, click Diameter: .

  5. In the Content box, type 0.05.

  6. In the Material Conditions row, click Maximum Material Condition: .

  7. Click Divider.

  8. In the Content box, type A for the primary datum, and then click Divider again.

  9. In the Content box, type B for the secondary datum, and then click Divider.

  10. In the Content box, type C for the tertiary datum, and then click Divider.

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