Create a background sheet

This procedure explains how to create a background sheet and then attach it to a working sheet in the document.

  1. Choose View tab→Sheet Views→Background to display the default background sheets.

    At the bottom of the window, you should see a colored sheet tab for each background sheet. They are labeled with the sheet size, such as A4-Sheet and A3-Sheet.

    The word BACKGROUND appears as a non-printing watermark stamped on each background sheet.

  2. Right-click a background sheet tab and choose Insert Sheet.

    A new background sheet is created using the default drawing sheet settings.

  3. Right-click the new background sheet tab and choose Sheet Setup.

  4. In the Sheet Setup dialog box, set the options you want.

  5. Add content to the background sheet as you want it to appear.

  6. Right-click a working sheet tab and choose Sheet Setup.

  7. In the Sheet Setup dialog box, click the Background tab.

  8. From the Background sheet list, select the name of the background sheet you just created to attach the new background sheet to the working sheets.


  • You can change the default color of background sheet tabs on the Colors tab (Solid Edge Options dialog box).

  • You can open the Sheet Setup dialog box by double-clicking a sheet tab or using the sheet tab shortcut menu, or you can select it from the Application menu.

  • You can delete or rename a background sheet using the shortcut menu; right-click while the cursor is over a sheet tab.

  • You can save background sheets in a template for easy access. Create the background sheets in a new document, then save the document to a template folder. Use the Solid Edge Options command on the Application menu to specify the location of the template folder so that the templates are available when you create new documents.

  • You can use the Block command to create a reusable block from the background sheet graphics. To add this background to the 2D Model sheet, use the Drawing Area Setup command and select it from the Place Block list.

  • You can use the Block command to create a block from the background graphics. To add this background to the 2D Model sheet, use the Drawing Area Setup command and select it from the Place Block list.

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