Add a drawing sheet border to the 2D Model sheet

This procedure explains how to create and add a drawing sheet border to a 2D Model sheet.

  1. (Create the Graphics) On a working or background drawing sheet, draw the graphics to represent the title block and border. You can use the Tables command to create and place a user-defined table as a title block. You can extract property text to display in the title block.


    As an alternative source of drawing border graphics, you can drag a .dft, .dxf, or .dwg file onto a drawing sheet, which automatically creates a block. To modify the graphics, select the Open command on the block shortcut menu. You also can use the Unblock command to drop the block to its base elements.

  2. (Create a Block from the Graphics) Choose the Block command.

  3. On the Block command bar, select all the border and title block graphics and then click the green check mark (Accept).

  4. On the drawing sheet, click to define an origin point for the drawing border.

  5. (Optional) On the Block command bar, click the Block Options button to define properties as needed.

  6. (Finish the Block) On the Block command bar, in the Name text box, type a name for the drawing border block and then click the green check mark (Accept). Click the Select tool or press Esc to end block creation mode.

    The drawing border is now listed in the Block Selection pane.

  7. You can use the drawing border on the 2D Model sheet in the current drawing, or you can add it to the Block Library for use in other documents.

    Add the Drawing Border to the 2D Model Sheet in the Active Document
    • To add the drawing border to the 2D Model sheet in the current document, select the 2D Model command to display the 2D Model sheet. Next, you can either select the Drawing Area Setup command, if you want to scale the border, or just drag it from onto the 2D Model Sheet if you are not concerned with scale. If you use the Drawing Area Setup command, then on the Drawing Area dialog box, under Step 3: Select a Block to Represent a Drawing Border, click the Place Block option, and then select the drawing border block name from the list of blocks in the current document.

    Create a Drawing Border Block File for Use in Other Documents
    • You can drag the drawing border into the Block Library for use in other documents. On the drawing sheet, click to select the drawing border block you created. Drag it to the Block Library pane (the top pane) in the Library. When you do this, it copies the block to a file and its name changes to the default file name, Symbol1. It is still a block file. Select the Rename command on the block file shortcut menu, and then retype the same background block name you assigned to it when you created it.

      To use this drawing border block file on the 2D Model sheet in another document, open the draft document, display the 2D Model sheet, and then select the Drawing Area Setup command. On the Drawing Area dialog box, under Step 3: Select a Block to Represent a Drawing Border, click the Browse button and select the drawing border file name from the Block Library folder location.


      Using the Drawing Area Setup command to select and add a drawing border ensures the border is scaled correctly for the sheet it is to be printed on. However, you also can drag an individual block or a block file onto the 2D Model sheet and use the Block Scale option on the command bar to modify the scale.

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