Goal Seek command

Command overview

The Goal Seek command automates engineering calculations based on a single variable to achieve a specific design goal.

Many calculations based on geometry can be solved in more than one way. You can change the Goal, the Target, and the Variable to achieve different goals. All of the goal seeking variables and values are specified on the Goal Seek command bar.

You can extend the length of time the goal seeking operation runs by editing the limits set on the Goal Seek Options dialog box.

Selecting driven and driving dimensions and variables

The Goal Seek command operates on driven and driving formulas, variables, and dimensions attached to 2D and 3D geometry. The type of dimension you add or the variable that you select--driving or driven--determines what you can solve for.

Physical properties of a model and PMI dimensions are accessible as driven variables through the Variable Table.

As goal seeking finds a solution that matches the Target value, the dimensioned geometry updates to show the results of the calculation. The Variable Table and the Physical Properties dialog box are updated with the calculated values.

For more information, see Best practices in goal seeking.

Workflow enhancements

Some things you can do to enhance the basic goal seeking workflow include the following:

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