Edit a text profile

Once a text profile has been placed, you can change its location on a part, reformat the text within the text box, add and delete text, and change the way the text is anchored at the placement point.

Reposition a text profile
  1. Click the text profile object to modify.

  2. On the command bar, click Reposition .

    The text profile now is detached from its previous placement point.


    If the text profile is relationship-connected, a popup warning will be displayed to that effect. Click OK to continue.

  3. Move the cursor in the graphics window to reposition the text, and then click OK.

Change text profile anchor point

When you place a text profile, a target cursor is displayed at the anchor point on the text profile box. When you click a placement point in the graphics window, this anchor point is matched to the placement point to position the text.

To change the anchor point:

  1. Click the text profile object to modify.

  2. On the command bar, click Anchor .

  3. In the Anchor option list, click one of the nine anchor points. The default is top-left.

    The text profile anchor position updates immediately in the graphics window.

Modify text and formatting
  1. Click the text profile object to modify.

  2. On the command bar, click the Text button to specify text and text attributes.

  3. In the Text dialog box, do any of the following.

    • Select the text to delete.

    • Type new text.

    • Press the Enter key to start a new line; press it again to start a new paragraph.

    • Although font style and font size is applied to all text in the profile, you can apply boldface and italics font changes to individual characters, words, and lines of text.

  4. In the Text dialog box, click the Apply button to apply each change as you make it or to apply all changes at once.

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