Create a principal view

  1. Choose Home tab→Drawing views group→Principal View .

  2. Select an orthographic or pictorial view.

    The cursor becomes a rectangle that represents the size of the view that you are going to create.

  3. Click to specify the view location on the sheet.

    Where you click to place the view, and whether you are using first-angle projection or third-angle projection, determine what view orientation is created.

    • To create an orthographic view, click to the right, left, top, or bottom of the selected view. This folds the selected view 90 degrees about the closest view edge.

    • To create a pictorial view relative to the orientation of the selected view, click diagonally to the top-right, top-left, bottom-right, or bottom-left of the selected view.

  4. Continue placing views, or right-click to end the command.


  • You can derive a principal view from a pictorial view.

  • Section views, auxiliary views, and detail views are not valid input for this command.

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