Reflection Box tab (View Overrides dialog box)

Formats a view by setting the reflection box options. You can define reflection box options using either a view style or a face style.

Define Using

Specifies how the reflection box is defined. Choose between:

  • Reflection box: specifies a six-sided environment in which the model resides.

  • Single image: specifies a planar image which the model will reflect.

  • Sphere map: specifies a hemi-spherical shaped image which the model will reflect.

  • Panoramic Image: specifies a panoramic image which the model will reflect


Accesses the Orient Reflection Box dialog box.

File Name

Displays the name of the reflection box file.


Clears the image from the selected reflection box.

Clear All

Clears the images from all the reflection boxes.


Accesses a dialog box that allows you to search for a document.

Preview object

Shows you the result of your settings before you apply them. You have three options having different shapes:

  • Sphere

  • Cube

  • Tea pot


Displays a description of the formatting options.

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