Fill page (Info dialog box)

Sets the fill properties for an area object.

Fill Style

Displays the name of the fill style applied to the area object. The fill and hatch pattern properties associated with this style are displayed in the fields below. You can change these properties and see the effect of the change in the preview pane before it is applied to the currently selected drawing element.

Solid Color

Applies a background color to the area object fill. If you select No Fill or None, the background will be transparent. Filled elements cover other elements when they overlap. You can click the More option to define custom colors with the Colors dialog box.

Pattern Color

Applies a line color to the pattern. All system colors are selectable, as well as any custom colors you have defined.

Line Width

Type or select a value to change pattern line width.

Pattern Spacing

Type or select a value to adjust the pattern spacing, making it denser or more widely spaced.

Pattern Angle

Type or select the angle of the pattern.


Shows the current area fill style and displays the effect of any changes you make to color, line width, pattern spacing, and pattern angle.

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