Map a gage file and gage table to a material or document

Map a gage file and gage table to a material
  1. Choose Application menu→Properties→Material Table.

  2. On the Solid Edge Material Table dialog box, click the Material tab.

  3. On the Material tab, select the Material name to which you want to map the gage file and gage table.

  4. On the Solid Edge Material Table dialog box, click the Gage tab.

  5. On the Gage tab, click the Use Excel File option.

    Use the Solid Edge Options→File Locations→Sheet Metal Gage File path option to specify the Excel file you want to use.

  6. In the Use Gage Table box, select a gage table.

  7. On the Gage tab, select Associate Gage Table.

  8. Click the Update in Library button to add the gage file and gage table information to the material library.

Map a gage file and gage table to a document
  1. Choose Application menu→Properties→Material Table.

  2. On the Solid Edge Material Table dialog box, click the Gage tab.

  3. Click the Use Excel File option.

    Use the Solid Edge Options→File Locations→Sheet Metal Gage File path option to specify the Excel file you want to use.

  4. In the Use Gage Table box, select a gage table.

  5. In the Sheet Metal Gage box, select a sheet metal gage.

  6. Click Apply to Model.


  • You can click the Edit button to open the Excel file so you can make changes to the gage file.

  • A warning dialog box is displayed if you click the Apply to Model button to apply changes while the gage file is open for edit. You can dismiss the warning dialog box, save the changes to the gage file, and then click the Apply to Model button to apply the changes.

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