Manual Explode Options dialog box

Explode Technique

Move Components as a Unit

Moves all the components as a unit in the direction you specified. This option is available when you select multiple components for explosion. This option is useful for grouping a set of parts together away from the base part.

Spread Components Evenly

Spreads all the components out evenly from one another. This option is available when you select multiple components for explosion. When you set this option, you can use the Explode Order list to define the order in which the components are exploded.

Explode Order

Lists the current explode order. You can click an entry in the list, then click the Move Up or Move Down buttons to change the explode order. These options are available when you set the Spread Components Evenly option.

Move Up

Moves the selected part up in the list.

Move Down

Moves the selected part down in the list.

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