Publish virtual components

When you publish virtual components, a Solid Edge document is created for each unique component, and the virtual component entry in PathFinder is replaced with the actual document.

  1. Choose Home tab→Assemble group→Publish Virtual Components .

    The Publish Virtual Components dialog box is displayed.

  2. In the Name column, click the virtual component you want to make real.

    In the Teamcenter-managed environment, you can choose between a full publish and a partial publish by selecting the check box corresponding to the element(s) you want to publish.


    When a virtual assembly is selected, all dependent virtual real components are selected as dependent references.

  3. In the Target Location column, select the folder path.


    The Target Location column is not used in the Teamcenter-managed environment.

  4. In the Template column, right-click and select Set Template. Then choose the template you want to use for the selected component.


    In a Teamcenter-managed environment, if a virtual component is denoted as an assembly, only Solid Edge assembly templates are displayed during template selection. If the virtual component is a leaf node (one that has no references or children), then you can choose from all Solid Edge templates during template selection.

  5. Click Publish.

  6. In a Teamcenter-managed environment, define any additional attributes, and click OK to upload the real item into the database.


  • You can also perform an ad hoc publish by dragging the object from PathFinder and dropping it into the Solid Edge graphic window. You are then prompted to choose the template for the item to give it a Solid Edge dataset, and then the New Document dialog box displays so you can check in the real document.

  • If a virtual component name and folder path are the same as an existing real component, an exclamation point (!) is displayed adjacent to the virtual component name. The existing real component cannot be overwritten when you publish.

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