Check for interference between parts in an assembly

Step 1.

Choose Inspect tab→Evaluate group→Check Interference.

Step 2.

In PathFinder or the graphics window, select the parts you want in Select Set 1, then click the Accept button.

Step 3.

In PathFinder or the graphicd window, select the parts you want in Select Set 2, then click the Accept button.

Step 4.

On the command bar, click Process.


If a warning message displays indicating that a probable interference was found, it indicates that the boolean operation that detects interference and generates the interference part failed. Since the operation failed then there is a good chance there is interference causing the warning. If the warning occurs, click the Options button and use the Highlight interfering parts option on the Interference Options dialog box to highlight the interfering parts.


  • If no interferences are detected, a message box is displayed to let you know.

  • If interferences are detected, the volume of interference is displayed in the highlight color.

  • You can set output options using the Interference Options button on the command bar before you run the analysis.

  • You can also check one set of parts against all of the other parts in the assembly by setting options on the Interference Options dialog box.

  • You can also check a set of parts against only those parts that are in the select set by setting options on the Interference Options dialog box.

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