Select a feature

  1. Choose Home tab→Select group→Select.

  2. Locate the feature you want to select by positioning the cursor over it.

  3. Click to select the feature. To select overlapping or hidden features, you can use QuickPick.

To select a feature with QuickPick

QuickPick helps you to select features that overlap each other, or features that are hidden by other features.

  1. Position the cursor over the feature you want to select and stop moving the cursor.

  2. When the cursor changes to the QuickPick prompt, click the right mouse button.  The software displays the QuickPick list near the cursor, with an entry for each selectable feature.

  3. Move the cursor over the QuickPick list entries, without clicking, to highlight the corresponding features.

  4. When the feature you want to select is highlighted, click the corresponding entry on the QuickPick list.

To clear a selection


  • You can use the QuickPick Options dialog box to specify the QuickPick properties you want. For example, you can specify whether the left or right mouse button activates QuickPick.

  • The QuickPick prompt (A) indicates which mouse button you should click to activate QuckPick.

  • You can change the element highlight and selection colors with the Options command.

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